Terry Pratchett - The Science of Discworld Read online

Page 5

  without the pearl itself.

  From the squash court next door there was, instead of

  the wild roar of disorganized thaums, the steady

  thrum-thrum of purpose.

  ’What the heck is that ?’ said Ridcully, as the wizards unfolded themselves.

  HEX rattled. Ponder picked up the piece of paper. ’Well, according to this, it’s the Roundworld Project,’ he said. ’And it’s absorbing all the energy from the thaumic pile.’

  The Dean brushed some dust off his robe.

  ’Nonsense,’ he said. ’Takes months. Anyway, how could that machine possibly know the spells?’ ’Mr Turnipseed did copy in a lot of the grimoires last

  year,’ said Ponder. ’It’s vital that HEX knows basic spell structure, you see .,.’

  The Senior Wrangler peered irritably at the sphere. ’Is this all it is?’ he said. ’Doesn’t seem much for all that effort.’

  There was a frightening moment as the Dean walked up to the sphere and his nose, enormously magnified, appeared in it.

  ’Old Archchancellor Bewdley devised it,’ he said.

  ’Everyone said it was impossible ...’

  ’Mr Stibbons?’ said Ridcully.

  ’Yes, sir?’

  ’Are we in danger of blowing up at the moment?’

  ’I don’t think so, sir. The ... project is sucking up


  ’Shouldn’t it be glowing, then? Or something? What’s

  in there?’

  HEX wrote: +++ Nothing +++

  ’All that magic’s going into empty space?’

  +++ Empty Space Is Not Nothing, Archchancellor.

  There Is Not Even Empty Space Inside The Project.

  There Is No Time For It To Be Empty In +++

  ’What’s it got in it, then?’

  +++ I Am Checking +++, HEX wrote patiently.

  ’Look, I can stick my hand right in it,’ said the Dean.

  The wizards watched in horror. The Dean’s fingers

  were visible,

  darkly, within the sphere, outlined in thousands of tiny

  sparkling lights.

  ’That was a really very foolish thing you just did,’ said

  Ridcully. ’How did you know it wasn’t dangerous?’

  ’I didn’t,’ said the Dean cheerfully, ’It feels ... cool.

  And rather chilly. Prickly, in a funny sort of way’

  HEX rattled. Ponder walked back and looked down at

  the paper. ’It almost feels sticky when I move my

  fingers,’ said the Dean.

  ’Er ... Dean?’ said Ponder, stepping back carefully. ’I think it would be a really good idea if you pulled your hand out very, very carefully and really very soon.’

  ’That’s odd, it’s beginning to tingle -’

  ’Right now, Dean! Right now!’

  For once, the urgency in Ponder’s voice got through the

  Dean’s cosmic self-confidence. He turned to argue with Ponder Stibbons just a moment before a white spark appeared in the centre of the sphere and began to expand rapidly.

  The sphere flickered.

  ’Anyone know what caused that?’ said the Senior Wrangler, his face bathed in the growing light of the Project.

  ’I think,’ said Ponder slowly, holding up HEX’s write-out, ’it was Time and Space starting to happen.’

  In HEX’s careful writing, the words said: +++ In The Absence Of Duration And Dimension, There Must Be Potentiality. +++

  And the wizards looked upon the universe that was growing within the little sphere and spake amongst themselves, saying, ’It’s rather a small one, don’t you think? Is it dinner time yet?’

  Later on, the wizards wondered if the new universe might have been different if the Dean had waggled his fingers in a different way. Perhaps, within it, matter might have naturally formed itself into, say, garden furniture, or one giant nine-dimensional flower a trillion miles across. But Archchancellor Ridcully pointed out that this was not very useful thinking, because of the ancient principle of WYGIWYGAINGW.[11]




  Our immediate task is to start from a lot of vacuum and a few rules, and convince you that they have enormous potentiality. Given enough time, they can lead to people, turtles, weather, the Internet - hold it. Where did all that vacuum come from? Either the universe has been around forever, or once there wasn’t a universe and then there was. The second statement fits neatly with the human predilection for creation myths. It also appeals to today’s scientists - possibly for the same reason. Lies-to-children run deep. Isn’t vacuum just . . . empty space? What was there before we had space? How do you make space? Out of vacuum? Isn’t that a vicious circle? If in the past we didn’t have space, how can there have been a ’there’ for whatever it was to exist in? And if there was­n’t anywhere for it to exist, how did it manage to make space? Maybe space was there all along . . . but why? And what about time ? Space is easy compared to time. Space is just ... somewhere to put matter. Matter is just ... stuff. But time -time flows, time passes, time makes sense in the past and the future but not in the instanta­neous, frozen present. What makes time flow? Could the flow of time be stopped? What would happen if it did?

  There are little questions, there are medium-sized questions, and there are big questions. After which there are even bigger ques­tions, huge questions, and questions so vast that it is hard to imagine what kind of response would count as an answer.

  You can usually recognize the little questions: they look immensely complicated. Things like ’What is the molecular struc­ture of the left-handed isomer of glucose?’ As the questions get bigger, they become deceptively simpler: ’Why is the sky blue?’ The really big questions are so simple that it seems astonishing that science has absolutely no idea how to answer them: ’Why doesn’t the universe run backwards instead?’ or ’Why does red look like that?

  All this goes to show that it’s a lot easier to ask a question than it is to answer it, and the more specialized your question is, the longer are the words that you must invent to state it. Moreover, the bigger a question is, the more people are interested in it. Hardly anybody cares about left-handed glucose, but nearly all of us wonder why red looks the way it does, and we vaguely wonder whether it looks the same to everybody else.

  Out on the fringes of scientific thought are questions that are big enough to interest almost everybody, but small enough for there to be a chance of answering them reasonably accurately. They are ques­tions like ’How did the universe begin?’ and ’How will it end?’ (’What happens in between?’ is quite a different matter.) Let us acknowledge, right up front, that the current answers to such questions depend upon various questionable assumptions. Previous generations have been absolutely convinced that their scientific theories were well-nigh perfect, only for it to turn out that they had missed the point entirely. Why should it be any different for our generation? Beware of scientific fundamentalists who try to tell you everything is pretty much worked out, and only a few routine details are left to do. It is just when the majority of scientists believe such things that the next revolution in our world-view creeps into being, its feeble birth-squeaks all but drowned by the earsplitting roar of orthodoxy.

  Let’s take a look at the current view of how the universe began. One of the points we are going to make is that human beings have trouble with the concept of ’beginning’. And even more trouble, let it be said, with ’becoming’. Our minds evolved to carry out rather spe­cific tasks like choosing a mate, killing bears with a sharp stick, and getting dinner without becoming it. We’ve been surprisingly good at adapting those modules to tasks for which they were never ’intended’ -that is, tasks for which they were not used during their evolution, there being no conscious ’intention’ - such as planning a route up the Matterhorn, carving images of sea-lions on polar bears’ teeth,[12] and calculating the combusti
on point of a complex hydrocarbon mole­cule. Because of the way our mental modules evolved, we think of beginnings as being analogous to how a day begins, or how a hike across the desert begins; and we think of becomings in the same way that a polar bear’s tooth becomes a carved amulet, or a live spider becomes dead when you squash it.

  That is: beginnings start from somewhere (which is where what­ever it is begins), and becomings turn Thing One into Thing Two by pushing it across a clearly defined boundary (the tooth was not carved, but now it is; the spider was not dead, but now it is). Unfortunately the universe doesn’t work in such a simple-minded manner, so we have serious trouble thinking about how a universe can begin, or how an ovum and a sperm can become a living child.

  Let us leave becomings for a moment, and think about begin­nings. Thanks to our evolutionary prejudices, we tend to think of the beginning of the universe as being some special time, before which the universe did not exist and after which it did. Moreover, when the universe changed from not being there to being there, something must have caused that change - something that was around before the universe began, otherwise it wouldn’t have been able to cause the universe to come into being. When you bear in mind that the beginning of the universe is also the beginning of space and the beginning of time, however, this point of view is dis­tinctly problematic. How can there be a ’before’ if time has not yet started? How can there be a cause for the universe starting up, with­out space for that cause to happen in - and time for it to happen?

  Maybe there was something else in existence already ... but now we have to decide how that got started, and the same difficulties arise. All right, let’s go the whole hog: something - perhaps the uni­verse itself, perhaps some precursor - was around forever. It didn’t have a beginning, it just was, always.

  Satisfied? Things that exist forever don’t have to be explained, because they don’t need a cause? Then what caused them to have been around forever?

  It now becomes impossible not to mention the turtle joke. According to Hindu legend, the Earth rides on the back of four elephants, which ride on a turtle. But what supports the turtle? In Discworld, Great A’Tuin needs no support, swimming through the universe unperturbed by any thought about what holds it up. That’s magic in action: world-carrying turtles are like that. But according to the old lady who espoused the Hindu cosmology, and was asked the same question by a learned astronomer, there is a different answer: ’It’s turtles all the way down!’ The image of an infinite pile of turtles is instantly ludicrous, and very few people find it a satis­fying explanation. Indeed very few people find it a satisfying kind of explanation, if only because it doesn’t explain what supports the infinite pile of turtles. However, most of us are quite content to explain the origins of time as ’it’s always been there’. Seldom do we examine this statement closely enough to realize that what it really says is ’It’s time all the way back.’ Now replace ’time’ by ’turtle’ and ’back’ by ’down’ ... Each instant of time is ’supported’, that is, a causal consequence of, the previous instant of time. Fine, but that doesn’t explain why time exists. What caused that infinite expanse of time? What holds up the whole pile?

  All of which puts us in a serious quandary. We have problems thinking of time as beginning without a precursor, because it’s hard to see how the causality goes. But we have equally nasty problems thinking of time as beginning with a precursor, because then we hit the turtle-pile problem. We have similar problems with space: either it goes on forever, in which case it’s ’space all the way out’ and we need somewhere even bigger to put the whole thing, or it stops, in which case we wonder what’s outside it.

  The real point is that neither of these options is satisfactory, and the origins of space and time fit neither model. The universe is not like a village, which ends at a fence or an imaginary line on the ground, neither is it like the distant desert which seems to vanish into eternity but actually just gets too far away for us to see it clearly. Time is not like a human lifespan, which starts at birth and ends at death, nor is it like the extended lifespan found in many religions, where the human soul continues to live indefinitely after death ­and the much rarer belief (held, for example, by Mormons) that some aspect of each person was somehow already alive in the indefinite past.

  So how did the universe begin? ’Begin’ is the wrong word. Nonetheless, there is good evidence that the age of the universe is about 15 billion years,[13] so nothing

  -not space, not time - existed before some instant oftime roughly 15 billion years ago. See how our narrativium-powered semantics confuses us. This does not mean that if you went back 15 billion and one years, you would find nothing. It means that you cannot go back 15 billion and one years. That description makes no sense. It refers to a time before time began, which is logically incoherent, let alone physically so.

  What cosmologists are pretty sure happened is this. The uni­verse came into being as a tiny speck of space and time. The amount of space inside this tiny speck grew rapidly, and time began to elapse so that ’rapidly’ actually had a meaning. Everything that there is, today, right out into the furthest depths of space, stems from that astonishing ’beginning’. Colloquially, the event is known as the Big Bang. The name reflects several features of the event -for example, that tiny speck of space/time was enormously hot, and grew in size exceedingly rapidly. It was like a huge explosion - but there was no stick of cosmic dynamite, sitting there in no-space with its non-material fuse burning away as some kind of pre-time pseudo-clock counted down the seconds to detonation. What exploded was - nothing. Space, time, and matter are the products of that explosion: they played no part in its cause. Indeed, in a very real sense, it had no cause.

  The evidence in favour of the Big Bang is twofold. The first item is the discovery that the universe is expanding. The second is that ’echoes’ from the Big Bang can still be detected today. The possi­bility that the universe might be getting bigger first appeared in mathematical solutions to equations formulated by Albert Einstein. Einstein viewed spacetime as being ’curved’. A body moving through curved spacetime deviates from its normal straight line path, much as a marble rolling on a curved surface does. This devi­ation can be interpreted as a ’force’ - something that pulls the body away from that ideal straight line. Actually there is no pull: just a bend in spacetime, causing a bend in the body’s path. But it looks as if there’s a pull. Indeed this apparent pull is what Newton called ’gravity’, back in the days when people thought it really did pull bodies together. Anyway, Einstein wrote down some equations for how such a bendy universe ought to behave. They were very diffi­cult equations to solve, but after making some extremely strong assumptions - basically that at any instant of time space is a sphere - mathematical physicists worked out few answers. And this tiny, very special list of solutions, the only ones their feeble methods could find, told them three things that the universe could do. It could stay the same size forever; it could collapse down to a single point; or it could start from a single point and grow in size without limit.

  We now know that there are many other solutions to Einstein’s equations, leading to all sorts of bizarre behaviour, but back in the days when today’s paradigm was being set, these solutions were the only ones anybody knew. So they assumed that the universe must behave according to one or other of those three solutions. Science was subliminally prepared either for continuous creation (the uni­verse is always the same) or for the Big Bang. The Big Crunch, in which the universe shrinks to an infinitely dense, infinitely hot point, lacked psychological appeal.

  Enter Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer. Hubble was observing distant stars, and he made a curious discovery. The fur­ther away the stars were, the faster they were moving. He knew this for distinctly indirect ­but scientifically impeccable - reasons. Stars emit light, and light has many different colours, including ’colours’ that the human eye is unable to see, colours like infra-red, ultra-vio­let, radio, x-ray ... Light is an elec
tromagnetic wave, and there is one ’colour’ for each possible wavelength of light - the distance from one electromagnetic peak to the next. For red light, this distance is 2.8 hundred thousandths of an inch (0.7 millionths of a metre).

  Hubble noticed that something funny was happening to the light emitted by stars: the colours were shifting in the red direction. The further away a star was, the bigger the shift. He interpreted this ’red shift’ as a sign that the stars are moving away from us, because there is a similar shift for sound, known as the ’Doppler effect’, and it’s caused by the source of the sound moving. So the further away the stars are, the faster they’re travelling. This means that the stars aren’t just moving away from us they’re moving away from each other, like a flock of birds dispersing in all directions.

  The universe, said Hubble, is expanding.

  Not expanding into anything, of course. It’s just that the space inside the universe is growing.[14] That made the physicists’ ears prick up, because it fitted exactly one of their three scenarios for changes in the size of the universe: stay the same, grow, collapse. They ’knew’ it had to be one of the three, but which? Now they knew that, too. If we accept that the universe is growing we can work out where it came from by running time backwards, and this time-reversed universe collapses back to a single point. Putting time the right way round again, it must all have grown from a single point -the Big Bang. By estimating the rate of expansion of the universe we can work out that the Big Bang happened about 15 billion years ago.

  There is further evidence in the Big Bang’s favour: it left ’echoes’. The Big Bang produces vast amounts of radiation, which spreads through the universe. Because the universe is spherical, the radiation eventually comes back on itself like a round-the-world traveller. Over billions of years, the remnants of the Big Bang’s radi­ation smeared out into the ’cosmic background’, a kind of low-level simmering of radiant energy across the sky, the light analogue of a reverberating echo of sound. It is as if God shouted ’Hello!’ at the instant of creation and we can still hear a faint ’elloelloelloelloeiio ...’ from the distant mountains. On Discworld this is exactly the case, and the Listening Monks in their remote temples spend their whole lives straining to pick out from the sounds of the universe the faint echoes of the Words that set it in motion.


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